Knowledge Base.
Corporate Income Tax
Corporate Income Tax (Vennootschapsbelasting - VPB)
In 2021 the corporate income tax rate will be 15% on the first € 245,000 of taxable profits and 25% for taxable profits exceeding € 245,000.
In the next year the Dutch corporate income tax rate will be gradually be reduced as follows:
> 2021: 15% on profits up to € 3950,000 and 25% on profits above € 395,000
The maximum period for the carry forward of tax losses will be six (6) years (upto 2019: nine (9) years).
Carry back period of 1 year.
Dividend Tax
Dividend Tax
Companies can distribute some of their profits as dividend to their shareholders. Dividends are subject to withholding tax. The general rate of dividend withholding tax is 15%.
In some circumstances, a company may be entitled to partial or full exemption from dividend withholding tax or to a dividend tax refund.